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Adenovirus in Children — Insights and Advice from the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Kolkata

Kolkata has been experiencing increased threats from the adenovirus affecting children at large. While it commonly starts with children returning home from school with flu-like symptoms, it progresses into more severe episodes of stomach pain, nausea and diarrhoea.

As devastating as it may seem, leading doctors opine that there is no need to panic. A leading gastroenterology clinic, Livgastro that works with some of the top stomach pain doctors in the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass has been monitoring cases for the past year. Watch this video and get to know more about Livgastro.

The medical professionals reveal that even though adenoviruses and several other similar types of “stomach flu” viruses are incurable, they are not unmanageable. With conscious steps towards prevention and symptom management, we can control the spread of the disease.

Understanding Adenovirus And Why It Is So Common in Children

Adenovirus is one of several similar types of viruses that have a double-stranded DNA and an icosahedral structure. The group of viruses also includes variations of rotavirus and norovirus. These are remarkably hardy viruses, that are highly contagious and typically spread via aerosol transmission via coughing or sneezing, as well as contact with faecal matter and poor hygiene.

Common symptoms of adenovirus are a cold, nausea, stomach pain, runny diarrhoea and sometimes seizures. After multiple exposures to adenoviruses, the majority of us experience strong humoral and cellular immune reactions.

Now coming to the point of why adenovirus is more common in children than adults, it is mostly rooted in immature immune systems and personal hygiene behaviours typical of children.

Children, especially toddlers and young children below the age of 5, are not as maturely potty trained as older children. They have the common habit of putting their hands in their mouths and their hygiene habits are not as independent. Without close monitoring of adults, they can be vulnerable. At daycare facilities, schools and playgrounds, children could be more vulnerable to exposure and coming into close contact with other infected children. Reluctantly cleaning up after puking or while changing diapers can also raise the possibility of contamination via faecal matter.

Possible Correlations Between Hepatitis and Adenovirus in Children

With over 12,000 adenovirus cases reported from West Bengal between the years 2023 and Q1 of 2024, the greater percentage are children aged under 13. In the meantime, there is a fatality rate of 19 children, while several remained hospitalised.

It is revealed that nearly 50% of children with hepatitis also had adenovirus. There is strong evidence that severe hepatitis is related to adenovirus.

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. In Kolkata, it is more talked about, but less researched. Medical institutions like Liv Gastro are working towards joining the dots. As one of the best gastroenterology hospitals in Kolkata have been following cases involving children having hepatitis. Early diagnosis is the best way to prevent the disease from becoming worse. If your child is frequently vomiting or having acute diarrhoea then seek medical attention right away, instead of trying to fix it with an ORS drink, self-prescribed medications or homely remedies.

Prevention and Management of Adenovirus in Children

It is safe to say that the treatment options for children are just about the same as for adults— it is all about preventive care and management of symptoms. Below are some of the steps you can take to fight adenovirus:

  • Improve hygiene: Be more careful when cleaning after children, especially after vomiting during diaper changes. Increase the hygiene measures to keep them safe. 

  • Use Disinfectants: Whether at home or playschool, encourage frequent disinfecting, including surfaces under beds and wardrobes, children’s toys and belongings.

  • Avoid crowds during the outbreak:  Whale it is not realistic to keep your children at home for longer periods, have a systematic routine for playing outside and mingling in crowds, train them to sanitise hands and use handkerchiefs in crowded areas. 

  • Do not neglect medical care:  Just because there is no direct treatment for adenovirus doesn't mean you should dismiss the idea of seeing a doctor when your child is symptomatic. Without timely management of symptoms, the problem could worsen. So be careful. 

As for vaccines, there are no approved vaccinations for adenovirus as of yet, and only certain military facilities have access to preliminary vaccinations. There is no specific treatment for adenovirus; it is resolved on its own, naturally, as the immune system acts up. The symptoms gradually subside over five to seven days.

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