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A Liver Doctor in Kolkata Warns of These 5 Liver Damage Signs

The football-sized organ of the liver plays endless roles. From regulating chemical levels in the blood, creating energy from food, detoxifying and activating enzymes to resisting infections, it takes care of everything. Regardless of how resilient it appears from the outset, it has a certain capacity beyond which it demands regeneration to continue nailing its job effectively. Overexhausion can cause damage to the organ, scar it and prove life-threatening.

While medications and lifestyle changes take care of the matter initially, the severity of the condition damages the liver entirely and calls for a liver transplant. If you wish to tackle these complications, you need to be wary of the warning signs expressed by liver doctors in Kolkata. Peruse to learn all about them.

signs & symptoms of Liver damage

Liver Damage Signs You Must Never Ignore

The complications of liver damage can be life-threatening. One must learn to identify the warning signs and keep one’s liver healthy. Here are five of them for you to be cautious of:

  • Jaundice

Look out for yellowing of eyes and urine! Caused due to high bilirubin levels in the blood, it accompanies fiver, urine darkening, abdominal pain, excretion of clay-hued stool, and chills.

  • Abdominal pain

Do you often feel a dull, aching pain in the upper right quadrant of your abdomen? It’s indicative of liver damage. When paired with fluid retention, the abdominal pain may get generalized but is equally symbolic of liver disease.

  • Fluid retention

Most people experience swelling in the legs and ankles or their abdomen. Did you know why? It’s due to the build-up of scar tissues in the liver that blocks the flow of blood through the organ and prevents it from functioning effectively. Regardless of the spot where the fluid accumulates, be certain of one thing – you have damaged your liver from cirrhosis.

  • Bruising

The human body forms clotting proteins, and the organ responsible for it is none other than the liver. However, with damage to the liver, bruising and bleeding tend to be more frequent, leaving all to presume a case of liver disease.

  • Nausea

You may also feel nauseous at times. Do you know when? It is chiefly a case of the liver not filtering out toxins in the bloodstream, leading to their buildup, and with the issue continuing, you can only suspect liver damage. Gradually, the symptoms intensify and cause diarrhoea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and digestive discomfort.

Your Next Course of Action If These Symptoms Occur Simultaneously

It’s a matter of grave concern that demands immediate medical attention and doctor’s consultation. You may have to undergo a Liver Function Test (LFT) followed by a treatment depending on the stage of liver disease you have reached. The best gastroenterologist in Kolkata, available at LivGastro, can diagnose and treat liver problems before they go out of control.

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